There was a short on his visit of Bosnia and Croatia on Canadian national TV… Apparantly, he took photos with at least 30 fans in Sarajevo before enetering in the building where the Film Festival was held, he then had a short tour of the city on his bike and some even say that he lighted a candle for all Bosnian and Croatian victims at the war memorial.
In Croatia he visited ancient city of Dubrovnik and got a tatoo of Croatian medieval coat of arms and then expressed his desire to film a movie in Dubrovnik. He spend a few minutes with Croatian fans in the main street and talked to some elders who were sitting in a local caffe. The elders claimed they didnt know who he was, but he seemed like a decent person who was curious about the local history and museums. Apparently Fassbender had a relative who was a Croatian foreign volounteer during the war.
Ну и собаченька, да
А он такой: расскажите о Москве что-нибудь?
А ты такой:
Ах, ну да, я же на улицу не выхожу.как хоть этот средневековый герб выглядит?
Лонган , так гоу гулять!
шахматная доска, ох лол